Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mid-January Politics

When Obama won in Iowa, I was really excited. Having been undecided between Clinton and Obama, I took my own excitement as an indication that I actually had a preference. However, when Clinton won in New Hampshire, I was also excited. I'm excited tonight that she won in Nevada. It seems I'm just excited about watching a democrat win. Period. I was so down and dejected when George W. won in 2004, that I felt this country had become something I didn't recognize. It was unfathomable that the majority - or something close to it - didn't see what I saw in Bush and his presidency.

I don't like the "piling on" that happens with Hillary. She is often treated as if she had no feelings and could be spoken to and spoken of as if she were an insentient being. I only saw news clips after the fact of her tearing up moment in New Hampshire; and I think it was important to the election result. What moved me was the moment in the debate - which I did see as it occurred, when she responded to the question about Obama being more like-able by saying that that hurts her feelings. She moved on quickly as if to not make too much of it, but for me there was a genuiness that was important.

That being said, my dislike for the mob mentality regarding Hillary has shown me that I participate in the same thing when it comes to Bush. There is almost nothing about him or his presidency that I admire, and the truth is I have enjoyed the fact that so many fellow citizens now agree with my assessment. It's fun after all these years to be able to say out-loud what I really think about Bush and Cheney. But I think I will take a conscious step back and observe rather than comment. Piling on is not honorable behavior if I want to live in a civilization that has public servants worth honoring. And I do believe we get the politicians we deserve.

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